Mystery Solved: Dehdrated Pineapple Slices are NOT a Suitable Replacement for Beer

CROWDERS MOUNTAIN, JAN 16, 2010 – For those of you who didn’t make the scene Satruday (1-16-09) here’s what you missed! After a 7:15am meet-up at the CB, Rich, Aaron and I took Colleen A. to the Linwood entrance for her first trail running foray at Crowders Mountain. Greg Paige also made the scene. Was there ever any doubt? It’s a day ending in “Y”, right? After Colleen ditched her knock-off Uggs (which Rich seemed to be quite fond of, ps and btw), and Aaron donned his moon-pie laden backpack, we hit the trail. Called it “done” after about 15 miles, and all was good until the news that Collen had neglected to bring the beer. She presumed dehydrated pineapple slices would be a suitable replacement. To quote Rich, “you’re a$$ was dead wrong… next time, we’ll pull a ‘Mo’ on you and leave your narrow behind here!” Seemed a little abrupt, but I guess the man really wanted his beer. To which, Colleen responded, and again, I quote, “I’ll bring double next time — and not any of that pansy Bud Light crap, either. Will you all ever forgive me? I’m from Pennsylvania… my manners are as slack as DC is skinny.”

We hurriedly packed our things, and made a run to the border. Treatment was administered and Aaron was well on his way to recovery by the time we returned to the CB. One additional note of interest, however. Colleen adamantly refused to be “treated” via ingestion of the 7-layer burrito. I offer this up for the record only should Greg contradict his part in this prank — and discovery that it was actually Colleen who made the switch, and seeing that Aaron had uncovered her original pineapple plot, had decided to try and poison the burritos instead! I mean, dude, seriously? Who the hell brings pineapple slices?? We should have known something was up!

OK, I’m back… had to take a break. My stomach is suddenly a bit unsettled. Hmmm…

PS: No bears, Betsy and Julia, but there was a Bedford sighting along the trail and back at the Linwood parking lot.