You know you’re way too into running…

Had a laugh at my own expense the other day. Not because I’m that terribly amusing, but because I realized just how much of a running geek I actually am. My wife and I just celebrated 19 years together by exchanging a pretty pricey set of running watches. You know, the kind that plunk more features on your wrist than were on board the Apollo 11. And no, that’s not actually a newsflash in itself, but it did make me stop and ponder some of those many lists that I – and likely you, too – have come across over the years. The ones that start with, “you know you’re a runner if…” Go ahead. Dock me ten yards for piling on, but I couldn’t resist.

More reasons you know you’re a runner:

  1. You’ve planned a vacation or long weekend around a race. Bonus points if you’ve sold your family or significant other on the idea.
  2. You have enough race tees to make one of those quilts. You just couldn’t make the pile small enough to make one.
  3. You have have a drawer or cabinet just for your nutrition products.
  4. Your running shoes are your most expensive shoes.
  5. Some of the most spendy apparel you own is the stuff you sweat all over.
  6. Sure, you have particular shoes for long runs, trail runs, speed work, race day. But you also the same system for socks.
  7. You might not recognize some of your running pals in street clothes.
  8. Your weekend plans revolve around your training plans or races.
  9. You actually have a favorite flavor of energy gels.
  10. First thing you ask a friend you haven’t seen in a while: “so, what are you training for these days?”

Got more? Send ‘em on! Who don’t like lists?!

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